[MantaReport] Friday August 21, 2015, Two Mantas at Garden Eel Cove

Keller Laros kellerlaros at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 00:16:36 PDT 2015

Friday August 21, 2015, Two Mantas at Garden Eel Cove. 
We saw one small manta on afternoon dive.  
On night dive we had Orion and Peg. A bunch of snorkelers started the show in shallow of the middle mooring and they just stayed even though plankton reached a 3 at the light circle. 
Sixteen boats. Jack's x 3. Big Isle x 3. KHD. KDC. Dolphin TLC. Splashers. Neptune Charlies. Miss Mojo. Pacific Rim. Ocean Encounters. Small private boat. 
I'm told 2 mantas for sure south.  Jana and Kenzie and about 10 boats. 
Good luck Saturday. 

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