[MantaReport] Sunday October 18, 2015, Nine Mantas at Garden Eel Cove.

Keller Laros kellerlaros at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 00:00:01 PDT 2015

Sunday October 18, 2015, Nine Mantas at Garden Eel Cove.  
I saw 3 mantas at a time on the afternoon dive including Tim and Jordan.  
On night dive plankton less then a 1 at the circle.  I
Koie. Mango. Tim. Jordan. Tanquray. Grayer. Ralph's. Blain and Eli all did fly byes but never fed. 
When we started our tour we found plankton thicker over the coral and Koie Grayer Eli and Mango feeding below some gift boards. 
Nineteen Boats. BID x 3. JDL KOA KHD KDC WW NC CRA NS HL AK Kohanaiki. Splashers. Liquid Hi. MM. Kamanu 2. OS. 
Still looking for a pair of prescription glasses lost between middle inside mooring and sand patch on Friday night. 
Good luck Monday. 

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