[MantaReport] Friday January 29, 2016, Fifteen Mantas at Garden Eel Cove.

Keller Laros kellerlaros at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 22:30:42 PST 2016

Friday January 29, 2016, Fifteen Mantas at Garden Eel Cove.  
Many mantas on the afternoon dive as well as during surface interval. 
On night dive I saw 15 Manta Rays Koie Vicky  Lefty Vallaray. Conae. Peg. Gaby.  Sugar Curly Eli. KaiZed. Orion. Tanquaray Nick Tim.  Plankton was a 3 at deep circle. Sand was about a 4. 
19 Boats, Jacks x 2. Big Isle x 3. Neptune Charlies. Safari Explorer. Aloha Kona. Scuba Shack. Dolphin Journey. Liquid Hawaii. Splashers.   Kona Honu. Sunlight on Water. Wicked Wahine, Kamanu. Kona Ocean Adventures x 2. Kona Dive Company. 
Good luck Saturday 

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