[MantaReport] Friday August 10, 2018, Nine Mantas @ Garden Eel Cove.

wendyjlaros at icloud.com wendyjlaros at icloud.com
Sat Aug 11 00:36:04 PDT 2018

Friday August 10, 2018, Nine Mantas @ Garden Eel Cove. 
I saw Jordan Nick Regan Leon Q Koie Gaby Peg and Winona.  There may have been more. 
Plankton was plentiful across Makako Bay.  
Twenty boats. JDL X 2.  BID X 3. Kamanu x 2. Iruku.  KDC KHD WW HO CRA KOA x 2. MH BM TT. NC and one that came after dark. 
Winona had a piece of yellow polypropylene line wrapped around her cephalic fin and trailing off behind her pectoral fin.  
She wouldn’t let me get close and after looking at it my sense was that it’d be tough to cut off.  
Luckily Kevin Hipp from KHD had such a kind face that she allowed him to quickly unwrap the line and set her free.  Way to go Kevin. 

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