[MantaReport] Friday July 9, 2021, Nineteen Mantas at Garden Eel Cove, Makako Bay

Keller Laros kellerlaros at gmail.com
Sat Jul 10 13:57:47 PDT 2021

Friday July 9, 2021, Nineteen Mantas at Garden Eel Cove, Makako Bay. 
I saw Curly, Leon, Vinny, Lafferty, Koie, Bertha, Vicky, Lisa, Cara, Who, Gaby, Akari, Kailey, Jana, Q, Queenie, Lou Lou, Emma and Alexia.  Who’d I miss?
Who Ray has a small multi pronged hook and lure attached to her cephalic fin. I couldn’t  get close enough to see if it could be easily removed. Koie and Vicky are both sporting relatively  new Cuts from fishing line which seem to be healing  Plankton was abundant. 
I counted 20 boats at one point but many made multiple trips and several arrived after dark so there were more. 
Good luck Saturday. 

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