[MantaReport] Sunday 4-14-24, Eight Manta Rays at Garden Eel Cove at Makako Bay.

Keller Laros kellerlaros at gmail.com
Mon Apr 15 03:37:38 PDT 2024

Sunday 4-14-24, Eight Manta Rays at Garden Eel Cove at Makako Bay.  
I saw Alexia, Jolene, Blain, Tim, Lafferty, McBoom, Shea and Sandy at campfire feeding on 3 plankton 
13 boats on early trip.  
Strong south wind got stronger as evening passed. 
2 boats on late trip. 
I recovered a weight pocket.  First found it Friday and placed at deep circle hoping it would be reunited w divers that lost it. Today found it on top of boulder by deep circle so it's now in JDL L&F at Coconut Groove. 
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