[MantaReport] Monday 10-28-24, Twelve Manta Rays at Garden Eel Cove. Makako Bay, Kona, Hawaii.

Keller Laros kellerlaros at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 11:45:59 PDT 2024

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Monday 10-28-24, Twelve Manta Rays at Garden Eel Cove.  Makako Bay, Kona, Hawaii.  
I saw seven females, Mighty Q, Akari, Quarantina, Brady, Amanda, Magdala and LouLou. Five males, McBoom, Shea, Scar, Koen, and Nick.  Who'd I miss?
Plankton at circle was a weak 2.
Sixteen boats on early trip and seven on late and looked like two on latelate. Good luck Tuesday

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