<div dir="ltr">Monday, October 7, 2013, Thirteen Mantas @ Garden Eel Cove<br><div>Saw mantas on the surface as we approached the dive site.</div><div>On the dive saw Grayer and a couple of others. During the surface interval saw 2 mantas breech.</div>
<div>On the night dive I saw Vicky, Lefty, Melaineh, Delany, Koie, Grayer, Hans, Lobes, Jordan, Curly, Blain, Kai-Zed, Eli.</div><div>Plankton was descent 3.</div><div>boats, Jack's x 2, Big Isle x 2, Kona Honu, KDC, KOA, Kamanu, Neptune Charlie's, Wicked Wahine, Bite Me, Splashers.</div>
<div>Good luck Tuesday.</div><div>Keller</div></div>