<div dir="ltr">Friday, 11-8-13, Eighteen Mantas @ Garden Eel Cove.<br><div> On the aftrenoon Dive I saw Csilla Peg, Linda and Koie. </div><div>On the night dive Females I saw were: Lefty, Vallaray, Csilla, Peg, Renata, Melaineh, Boo Boo, Koie, Shirley, Mango, Vicky and Linda.</div>
<div>Males were: Timbuktu, Ottis, Curly, Ralph's, Grayer and Hans. Timbuktu seemed excited and was swimming very fast and actively. </div><div>Plankton took a while but did reach a 3. Conditions were flat and calm. About 40 scuba divers and 90 snorkelers.</div>
<div>There were 14 boats. Jack's x 2, Big Isle x 2, KOA x 2, Kamanu, Kona Honu, Neptune Charlie's, Lobo del Mar, Miss Mojo, Splashers, Wicked Wahine and a yellow and black inflatable that dropped divers late and used blue bottom lights. Anyone know who they are? Please let me know.</div>
<div>Good luck on Saturday.</div><div>Keller</div></div>