[MantaReport] Sunday, March 16, 2014, Three Mantas at Garden Eel Cove

Keller Laros kellerlaros at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 13:36:47 PDT 2014

Sunday, March 16, 2014, Three Mantas at Garden Eel Cove. 
The high wind warning made us carefully consider whether or not to even attempting to dive garden eel cove on Sunday but we thought we'd try going north and how it went. We didn't encounter any significant wind until we reach Keahole point.  After a few harrowing minutes we rounded the point but the wind caused difficulty tying up to the mooring. Luckily strong waterman ship and excellent captaining abilities prevailed. 
On the afternoon dive we saw Jordan cruising above the sand. 
During the surface interval we were joined by Wicked Wahine, Splashers and Kamanu.  
On the night dive we had Hans feeding at the lights on level 2 plankton.  Jordan cruised around the outside of the circle.  
Splashers said they were joined by a third manta during their second trip.  
I counted 10 scuba divers and approximately 32 snorkelers. 
Good luck Monday. 

Sent from my iPhone
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