[MantaReport] Monday March 21, 2016, Twelve Mantas at Garden Eel Cove.

Keller Laros kellerlaros at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 23:53:26 PDT 2016

Monday March 21,  2016, Twelve Mantas  at Garden Eel Cove. 
I saw 7 at one time on the afternoon dive including Nick, Koie, Linda Jana and Peg. Nick said he saw 10 at a time.   Monk seal was hanging around too. 
On night dive I saw Linda Peg Koie Betha Vicky Jana. Orion. Eli Nick Suger (chasing Vicky) Timbuktu Lightning. Did I miss any?  
Plankton was a 2 at shallow circle.
21 Boats,  Jacks x 2. Hawaii Oceanic.  Kona Ocean Adventures x 3. Big Isle x 3. Neptune Charlies. Kamanu x 2. Kona Honu.  Coral Reef Adventures. KDC. Wicked Wahine. Splashers. Ocean Encounters. Nature. School. Hang Loose. SOW

Good luck Tuesday

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