[MantaReport] Monday 4-1-24, Twelve Mantas at Garden Eel Cove.

Keller Laros kellerlaros at gmail.com
Mon Apr 1 23:52:53 PDT 2024

Monday 4-1-24, Twelve Mantas at Garden Eel Cove.  
I saw Gaby, Akari, Emma, Chloe, Gita, Leon, Sandy, McBoom, Nick, Timbuktu, Regan and Ho Ray feeding on level 3 plankton.  
21 boats on early trip.  
No dolphins or monk seals.  
One of our divers lost his wedding ring off back of the boat while showering.  Chris threw his gear back on went back down and found it in under 2 mins!
Good luck Tuesday. 

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